Our Integrative Health Program
The key to any health program is perspective and approach. A holistic perspective takes the whole person, and all systems into account, as opposed to just one element, symptom or behavior a person may be experiencing or displaying. We are after all, not just a hand, leg, heart spine or brain. We are not just our physicality, our emotions or intellect, but an entire being dependent upon each part to survive.
Integrative health is the pursuit of personal health and wellbeing first, and addresses disease as needed, with the support of a health team dedicated to ALL proven treatments to include conventional medicine, evidence-based complementary & alternative medicine, lifestyle, and self-care.
Programs Customized to Your Unique Health Care Needs
Our thorough and personalized program goes beyond the treatment of symptoms to address all the causes of illness to get to the root of an issue and focuses not on illness, but on finding and maintaining wellness, and emphasizes the mind (cognitive & emotional), body and spirit connection.
Our program works to restore and maintain health and wellness across a patient’s lifespan by understanding a patient’s unique set of circumstances, and addressing the full range of physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual and environmental and lifestyle choices which influence and affect health.
The goal of our program is help you reach optimum well-being, overall health, renewed energy and vitality. We believe that only through making the mind, body and spirit connection, can you achieve authentic, overall and long term health.
Our Integrative Health Program addresses and includes the four components of health & wellness:

- Spinal & Physical Health
- Weight Loss
- Nutritional Analysis
- Functional Medicine Diagnostic Labs
- Health Nutrition Coach
- Plant Based Nutrition

- Creativity for Cognitive Health
- Cognitive Wellness

Emotional & Mental
- Group Therapy
- Addiction Counseling
- Mindfulness & Self Care Education
- Expressive Arts
- Weekly Wellness Workshops

Environmental & Lifestyle
- Lifestyle Analysis
- Counseling
- Diagnostic Labs for Pesticides, Heavy Metals, Hormones
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Our Integrative Health Program is grounded in that definition.
Visit Our Clinic
Westboro Spine & Holistic Health Center
20 South Street,
Westborough, MA 01581
Call Us
Westborough, Northborough, Grafton,
Hopkinton, Southborough, Shrewsbury,
and the MetroWest area.